
The payment portal encapsulates a third-party payment provider into one simple system to allow any Swansea University or third-party application to integrate easily. The current payment provider we use is Global Payments and we use their hosted payment page service. Below are the step by step instructions on how to integrate the payment portal into an application.

1. Make a Payment Request

Firstly, you will need to make a payment request which will return a HTML form that contains all the required fields to make a 3DS 2 payment. The form will automatically submit when the page has loaded, subsequently loading the Global Payments hosted payment page. You will need to make a POST request with a JSON body as shown below:

Example Body:

    "UserId": “j.m.smith",
    "Language": "en",
    "TotalAmount": 16.50,
    "Email": "",
    "CustomerName": "James Smith",
    "MobilePhoneNumber": "44|07911123456",
    "HomePhoneNumber": null,
    "BillingAddressLine1": "102",
    "BillingAddressLine2": "RockerTerrace",
    "BillingAddressLine3": "",
    "BillingAddressCity": "Lathrisk",
    "BillingAddressCountry": "826",
    "BillingAddressPostCode": "KY157SD",
    "SystemId": "pMWG*ZXJz#PCQUzPF#h_nd^WuB7*-#",
    "Transactions": [{
                        "JournalId": "OPAY",
                        "LedgerId": "tst",
                        "GlCode": "TST0000-999",
                        "AccountCode": "1010",
                        "Gross": 16.0,
                        "Discount": 1.0,
                        "Vat": 0.5,
                        "VatCode": "01"
                        "JournalId": "OPAY",
                        "LedgerId": "tst",
                        "GlCode": "TST0000-999",
                        "AccountCode": "1010",
                        "Gross": 1.0,
                        "Discount": 0.0,
                        "Vat": 0.0,
                        "VatCode": null

Property Type Description Example Mandatory
UserId String Id of the logged in user making the payment. j.m.smith Yes
Language String Language code for the hosted payment page to be displayed in i.e. “cy”. Defaults to English “en”. cy No
TotalAmount Double Total net amount of the payment. 16.50 Yes
Email String Email address of customer. Yes
CustomerName String Full name of customer. James Smith Yes
MobilePhoneNumber String Mobile phone number of customer. Must be in format countrycode|number. 44|07911123456 Yes (either mobile or home) Mobile is the preferred option
HomePhoneNumber String Home phone number of customer. Must be in format countrycode|number. 44|01792 205678 Yes (either mobile or home) Mobile is the preferred option
BillingAddressLine1 String (Max Length:50) First line of customer billing address. 102 Yes
BillingAddressLine2 String (Max Length:50) Second line of customer billing address. Can be null/blank if not required. Roker Terrace Yes
BillingAddressLine3 String (Max Length:50) Third line of customer billing address. Can be null/blank if not required. Blank Yes
BillingAddressCity String (Max Length:40) City of customer billing address. Lathrisk Yes
BillingAddressCountry String Country of the customer billing address. ISO 3166-1 numeric three-digit country code, i.e. 826 for UK. 826 Yes
BillingAddressPostCode String Postcode of customer billing address. KY15 7SD Yes
SystemId String Unique Id of the system making the request which must be registered with the payment portal. pMWG*ZXJz#PCQUzPF#h_nd^WuB7*-#
(Use for local testing ONLY)
ThirdPartyRedirectUrl String Url to redirect to after the payment has been processed. Must contain required replacement tags please see the Third Party Redirects section.{{ThirdPartyUniqueId}}&orderid={{OrderId}}&PaymentSuccessful={{PaymentSuccessful}} No
ThirdPartyUniqueId String Unique Id from third party to link to a transaction, please see the Third Party Redirects section. 18967 Yes if ThirdPartyRedirectUrl property is supplied

The transactions property is a json object that contains details about each of the transactions which is then used by the Swansea University Finance Department to process the payment. If you are unsure of the values required for these fields then please contact us.

Property Type Description Mandatory
JournalId String Id of the journal. Yes
LegderId String Id of the ledger. Yes
GlCode String GL Code. Yes
AccountCode String Account code for the transaction. Should always be the student number Yes
Gross Double The amount for the transaction excluding vat and discount. Yes
Discount Double Discount amount applied to the transaction. No
Vat Double Vat amount for the transaction. No
VatCode String Vat code for the transaction. Only if VAT is applied

Third Party Redirect

By default once a payment has been processed the payment provider redirects back to the portal and processes the result and shows a standard page based on the outcome of the payment. As the recommended method to use the portal is to embed the portal within an iframe this allows for an easier integration into any application. However if you require the payment portal to redirect to a specific url in your application once the payment has been processed you can pass two additional properties to the make payment request.

From the Make a Payment Request section the two additional properties that need to passed to the payment request are ThirdPartyRedirectUrl and ThirdPartyUniqueId.

The payment portal will redirect to the third party redirect url once the payment has been processed. To allow for the redirect to work correctly we require that the url contains the following replacement tags as shown below. These tags will be replaced before the portal redirects to the provided url. The value for ThirdPartyUniqueId will be replaced as is with no change to the case of the value.

Tag Replaced With
{{ThirdPartyUniqueId}} The value of ThirdPartyUniqueId passed when making a payment request to link the transaction to an entity in your application. i.e. 14562
{{OrderId}} The order Id generated by the payment portal i.e. TST102
{{PaymentSuccessful}} True or False based on the outcome of the payment

The payment portal will add two additional query string proprieties to the third party redirect url for unsuccessful payments. These are errorcode and errormessage. Below are three examples of a url, one with the replacement tags, one with the tags replaced with their values for a successful payment and one with with the tags replaced with their values for an unsuccessful payment.

You can place the tags in any order and can have any query string parameter variable name. We perform validation on the url to ensure it contains all 3 of the replacement tags when making a payment request.

Example Response:

Below is a example of the response that will be return from the make payment request

    window.onload = function () {
    <form id="hostedPaymentRequest" action="" method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="MERCHANT_ID" value="swanseauni"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="ACCOUNT" value="internet"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="ORDER_ID" value="TST51"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="AMOUNT" value="1650"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="CURRENCY" value="GBP"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="TIMESTAMP" value="20190819151653"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="AUTO_SETTLE_FLAG" value="1"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_VERSION" value="2"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_LANG" value="en"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="MERCHANT_RESPONSE_URL" value=""/>
        <input type="hidden" name="SHA1HASH" value="efec3d4ca955101a997ee70635b7f4af9f356142"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_CUSTOMER_EMAIL" value=""/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_CUSTOMER_PHONENUMBER_MOBILE" value="44|07911123456"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_BILLING_STREET1" value="102"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_BILLING_STREET2" value="Rocker Terrace"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_BILLING_STREET3" value=""/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_BILLING_CITY" value="Lathrisk"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_BILLING_POSTALCODE" value="KY15 7SD"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="HPP_BILLING_COUNTRY" value="826"/>

2. Embed the Payment Portal

Now that we have made a request to make a payment you will need to embed the above response into your application.

The response is a form with all the required fields to submit a 3DS2 hosted payment page request to our third-party supplier. The form is created from the values passed to the make payment request which automatically submits when the page has loaded.

We require the response to be embedded within your application, as once a payment has been completed the iframe will emit an event (either successful or unsuccessful) which your application will need to capture and handle according.

There are a number of ways you can embed the page into your application, but we recommend an iframe as this is supported across all major browsers. Below is an example of how to embed the response from the make payment request into an iframe.

Example iframe:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-1by1"/>
    <iframe class="embed-responsive-item border rounded" src="javascript: 'PaymentRequestResponse'"></iframe/>

The above example is using the recommended bootstrap classes to allow an iframe to be responsive, so only copy those if you already have bootstrap in your application. Otherwise just copy the iframe tag and remove the class attribute.

As you can see from the example above the src of the iframe is set to javascript and then the PaymentRequestResponse value. You will need to replace PaymentRequestResponse with the response in a string format received from the previous step. This method will allow content to be piped into the iframe similar to srcdoc, however we have decided against the use of srcdoc as its not widely supported across all browsers.

Once you have embedded the payment portal response into the iframe and it has loaded it will then show our third party hosted payment page. Here is an example of what the iframe will render once it has been loaded.

Example Hosted Payment Page:

3. Capture the Payment Response

Once the customer has completed the payment it will return to the payment portal and show a standard page with the payment outcome. Please see an example of a successful and unsuccessful payment page below.

Payment Successful Page:
Payment Unsuccessful Page:

The page will emit either a “PaymentSuccessful” or “PaymentUnsuccessful” event which you can capture and perform the required actions in your application. You will need to add a JavaScript event listener to the same page on which the payment portal is embedded on to capture the event. Here is an example of the Javascript:

window.addEventListener("message", handlePaymentResponse, false);

function handlePaymentResponse(event) {
    if ( === "PaymentSuccessful") {
    //Handle successful payment
    else if ( === "PaymentUnsuccessful") {
    //Handle unsuccessful payment

You can add the required actions for your application to the handlePaymentResponse function or replace it in the window.addEventListener with function{}().